Advertise on theCharter

Below you can see our rates for the different types of advertisement and positions on the web. You can hire the one that suits you best and for as long as you want, for weeks or months. Contact us at info @ elcambiador .If you have any questions or if you need something more personalized.
Highlight and pin your site's listing to make it more visible to users.
Format | Price per month | Price per week | |
1 | Home page | 15 € | 8 € |
2 | Category list | 10 € | 5 € |
Place your own ads on our website.
Format | Dimensions (in pixels) | Price per month | Price per week | |
3 | Global header (Superbanner) |
Min: 728x90
Max: 980x90 |
50 € | 25 € |
4 | Home page - Sidebar |
Min: 300x250
Max: 300x600 |
25 € | 12 € |
5 | Home page - Superbanner under search engine |
Min: 300x200
Max: 728x90 |
40 € | 20 € |
6 | Home page - Between listings (inline) |
Min: 300x200
Max: 620x200 |
30 € | 15 € |
7 | Categories - Sidebar |
Min: 300x300
Max: 300x600 |
15 € | 8 € |
8 | Categories - Before and after the listing (inline) |
Min: 250x220
Max: 910x220 |
30 € | 15 € |
9 | Info - Sidebar |
Min: 300x300
Max: 300x600 |
15 € | 8 € |
10 | Info - Main column (inline) |
Min: 300x200
Max: 860x200 |
30 € | 15 € |
11 | Info - Gallery |
Min: 250x220
Max: 910x220 |
15 € | 8 € |
* Price per unit. In the case of inline formats, position may be chosen according to availability.
Position diagrams for each format within the web: